Use LotAtc Configurator

You can use the free tool LotAtc Configurator to edit/customize profile, easier and simpler than manual way!!!

Profile mechanism

At DCS startup, the %userprofile%/Saved Games/DCS/mods/services/lotatc/profiles/ directory is listed by LotAtc server and will be displayed in the DCS > Options > Special > LotAtc 4 DCS options page

Default profiles are provided with LotAtc server but you can add your own profiles to customize LotAtc as you want. It could be usefull for a specific campaign or mission for example.

Select a profile in DCS Special Page only works for DCS Gui, for dedicated server, check on this page

Create my profile

Use LotAtc Configurator.

Go into the %userprofile%/Saved Games/DCS/mods/services/lotatc/profiles/ directory. Just copy custom.lua to a new file for example my_profile.lua.

You can edit any profile with no restriction but files will be overwritten on next LotAtc server update, so copy them is a best choice.

Open the new profile with Notepad++ or any other text editor.

Do not use Notepad, it generally break the lua files, prefer Notepad++

Once done, start DCS, select your profile in the DCS > Options > Special > LotAtc 4 DCS options page

Select a profile in DCS Special Page only works for DCS Gui, for dedicated server, check on this page


Here all the settings with explanation, adapt as you want:

ID name
Type str
Default custom
Description id of profile (filename)
ID short
Type str
Default Custom
Description Short name of profile
Profile name  
ID profile_name
Type str
Default Custom
Description Name displayed
ID locked
Type bool
Default false
Description If locked, it cannot be edited with LotAtc Configurator
Force player’s name  
ID force_player_name
Type bool
Default false
Description Force the display of player’s name
Use callsign  
ID use_callsign
Type index_array
Default 0
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘Do not use callsign on group name (activate callsign specific display on clients)’, ‘enum’: ‘UseCallsignNot’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘Use callsign for all units except humans (disable callsign specific display on clients)’, ‘enum’: ‘UseCallsignExcludeHumans’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘Always use callsign for all units including humans (disable callsign specific display on clients)’, ‘enum’: ‘UseCallsignAll’}
Description Use callsign instead of group name
Relief filter  
ID relief_filter
Type bool
Default true
Description Relief filter
Speed filter  
ID speed_filter
Type bool
Default true
Description Filter low speed airplanes/helicopter
Radar coverage simulation  
ID modelisation
Type array
Default global
Values 0 - global
  1 - monoradar
Description Indicate radar coverage simulation to be used
Radar mode  
ID radar
Type index_array
Default 1
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘See all, no radar’, ‘enum’: ‘RadarModeAll’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘Cylinder model, no altitude management’, ‘enum’: ‘RadarModeCylinder’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘Sphere model, radar are full sphere’, ‘enum’: ‘RadarModeSphere’}
  3 - {‘name’: ‘Conic model, radar are sphere but have some blind cone (cone are defined in DCS)’, ‘enum’: ‘RadarModeConic’}
Description Radar modelisation to simulate
Ground radar mode  
ID ground_radar
Type index_array
Default 0
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘Detect all ground units’, ‘enum’: ‘GroundDetectAll’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘Detect only SAMs units and ships’, ‘enum’: ‘GroundDetectSAMShips’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘Detect only ships’, ‘enum’: ‘GroundDetectShips’}
  3 - {‘name’: ‘No ground detection’, ‘enum’: ‘GroundDetectNothing’}
  4 - {‘name’: ‘Detect only moving ground units + SAMs/ships’, ‘enum’: ‘GroundDetectMovingEmitting’}
Description Ground radar modelisation to simulate for units with ground detection capabilities
Use RCS  
ID use_rcs
Type bool
Default true
Description Use RCS management on radar side. Only USED with radar=3, ignored otherwise
Use radar scan period  
ID use_scan_period
Type bool
Default true
Description If true, LotAtc will use the radar scan period, otherwise global value. Only working with monoradar radar modelisation
Automatic information mode for friends  
ID automatic_info_friend
Type index_array
Default 1
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘For all’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoAll’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘For only main radars units (AWACS/SAMs/ships..)’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoMainRadars’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘For only ground radars units (SAMs/ships..)’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoGroundRadars’}
  3 - {‘name’: ‘For none’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoNothing’}
Description How LotAtc fills information about friendly unit. Type, classification, capabilities…. Not affecting datalink unit if datalink is used
Automatic information mode for neutrals  
ID automatic_info_neutral
Type index_array
Default 1
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘For all’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoAll’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘For only main radars units (AWACS/SAMs/ships..)’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoMainRadars’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘For only ground radars units (SAMs/ships..)’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoGroundRadars’}
  3 - {‘name’: ‘For none’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoNothing’}
Description How LotAtc fills information about neutrals unit. Type, classification, capabilities…
Automatic information mode for enemies  
ID automatic_info_eni
Type index_array
Default 1
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘For all’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoAll’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘For only main radars units (AWACS/SAMs/ships..)’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoMainRadars’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘For only ground radars units (SAMs/ships..)’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoGroundRadars’}
  3 - {‘name’: ‘For none’, ‘enum’: ‘AutomaticInfoNothing’}
Description How LotAtc fills information about unit for enemies. Type, classification, capabilities…
Airport radar mode  
ID airport_radar_mode
Type index_array
Default 2
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘Airport will not act as radar’, ‘enum’: ‘AirportSeeNone’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘Airport radar see all units ( flying and ground units)’, ‘enum’: ‘AirportSeeAll’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘Airport radar see only aircraft (planes, helicopters) in flight or on ground’, ‘enum’: ‘AirportSeeOnlyFlying’}
  3 - {‘name’: ‘Airport radar see only FLYING aircrafts or active transponders units (for both AI and human)’, ‘enum’: ‘AirportSeeOnlyTransponder’}
Description Define how airport radar will be modelized with LotAtc. Only airport allowed could act as radar, it is depending of approach_all_airports value above
Airport Approaches  
ID approach_all_airports
Type index_array
Default 1
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘No approach’, ‘enum’: ‘ApproachNo’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘Only coalition airport can have approach’, ‘enum’: ‘ApproachOnlyCoalition’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘All airports can have approach’, ‘enum’: ‘ApproachAll’}
Description Allows approaches on airports
Use datalink  
ID use_datalink
Type bool
Default false
Description Use datalink management
Datalink period  
ID datalink_period
Type int
Default 5
Description Delay of datalink updates of connected radar in seconds
Datalink Info mode  
ID datalink_info_mode
Type index_array
Default 2
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘None, no datalink info management’, ‘enum’: ‘DataLinkInfoNone’}
  1 - {‘name’: ‘All coalition units’, ‘enum’: ‘DataLinkInfoAll’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘Only coalition units with datalink (L16, L4…)’, ‘enum’: ‘DataLinkInfoDL’}
  3 - {‘name’: ‘Only coalition units with L16 datalink only’, ‘enum’: ‘DataLinkInfoL16’}
Description Get all information on unit through datalink
Use ESM  
ID use_esm
Type bool
Default true
Description Use Electronic Support Measure management
RWR period  
ID esm_rwr_period
Type int
Default 20
Description Delay of RWR updates in seconds
Show weapons  
ID show_weapons
Type bool
Default true
Description Weapons are visible like any other aircraft (respecting RCS if enabled)
Show human status  
ID show_humans
Type index_array
Default 1
Values 0 - {‘name’: ‘Show status for all coalitions’, ‘enum’: ‘ShowHumanForAll’}
  1 - {‘name’: “Only show status for controller’s coalition”, ‘enum’: ‘ShowHumanForCoalition’}
  2 - {‘name’: ‘Hide status for all’, ‘enum’: ‘ShowHumanForNobody’}
Description Show if unit is a human or not
Tracking delay  
ID tracking_delay
Type int
Default 0
Description Tracking delay, time for the simulation to be able to make a track on a spot radar. Put 0 to disabled the feature and make track instant (as with LotAtc 1.x). Delay is in seconds
Use real tracking simulation  
ID use_realtracking
Type bool
Default false
Description Spot radar and tracking are dissociated, it simulates tracking period. Heading and ground speed are computed
Range resolution  
ID use_range_resolution
Type bool
Default false
Description If yes, when severals units are near each other, we will only have one track, due to resolution radar. Use false to see everybody in a patrol
Use TAF with M-2000C  
ID use_taf
Type bool
Default true
Description Use TAF management (only with M-2000C)

Advanced configuration

You can also add config values from %userprofile%/Saved Games/DCS/mods/services/lotatc/config.lua in the profile.lua files, it allows to add specific password for example.

red_password        = "mymissionredpass" ,
blue_password        = "mymissionbluepass",

virtual_awacs_name 	= "myvirtualawacs_",
use_chat = false,

See all available values on the advanced configuration page.

You can create specific profile for a custom event/mission.
