Use LotAtc Configurator

You can use the free tool LotAtc Configurator to edit/customize config, easier and simpler than manual way!!!

Configuration file

You can configure LotAtc Server within the config.custom.lua file. It is located in your %userprofile%/Saved Games/DCS/mods/services/lotatc/config.custom.lua and can be created by renaming the installed config.custom.example.lua provided.

Use Notepad++ or Sublime Text to modify this file, DO NOT USE Notepad, it will corrupt the file

For example, to setup a LotAtc server for a dedicated server, we can add in the config.custom.lua:

lotatc_inst.options =  {
  port = 11310,
  dedicated_mode = true,
  dedicated_profile = "realistic.lua",

This file will not be overwritten by future update. All others values not described in this file will take config.lua as default.


    lotatc_inst.options =  {
  --- You can copy this file to config.custom.lua file to make modifications
  --- config.custom.lua will not be overwrite on each install/update
  --- this one will be overwritten on each install/update of LotAtc

    -- Common setup
    -- Enable LotAtc
    -- (default=true)
    use_atc = true,

    -- LotAtc Server port
    -- (default=10310)
    port = 10310,

    -- Red password
    -- Must NOT be void
    -- (default="red")
    red_password = "red",

    -- Blue password
    -- Must NOT be void
    -- (default="blue")
    blue_password = "blue",

    -- Limitations of red clients
    -- -1 means no limit
    -- (default=-1)
    red_max_clients = -1,

    -- Limitations of blue clients
    -- -1 means no limit
    -- (default=-1)
    blue_max_clients = -1,

    -- Virtual awacs
    -- All units with this name (or human pilot group) will be AWACS
    -- void text disables the feature
    -- (default="")
    virtual_awacs_name = "",

    -- Virtual awacs static on bulls for each coalition
    -- Use virtual awacs altitude/range below to set altitude/range
    -- (default=false)
    virtual_awacs_bulls = false,

    -- Radius detection range in kilometer for virtual AWACS ( must be > 5km )
    -- (default=400)
    virtual_awacs_range = 400,

    -- Altitude in meter for virtual AWACS (only use for bulls virtual awacs)
    -- (default=8000)
    virtual_awacs_altitude = 8000,

    -- Some radar globals
    -- All units with name containing this string will never be part of radar coverage
    -- Works on any unit (plane, SAM, ship...)
    -- void text disables the feature
    -- (default="lotatc_ignore_")
    ignore_radar_name = "lotatc_ignore_",

    -- Minimal detection range in meters to be considered as part of
    -- radar coverage by LotAtc.
    -- (default=5001)
    minimal_detection_limit = 5001,

    -- Logs
    -- Log generation for server, false to disable
    -- (default=true)
    use_log = true,

    -- Chat
    -- Interact with DCS chat
    -- (default=true)
    use_chat = true,

    -- Filter command starting with, lua pattern
    -- (default={"^-.*"})
    chat_filter = {"^-.*"},

    -- Show connect message in DCS
    -- when LotAtc user connect/disconnect
    -- (default="none")
    -- Values are:
    --    "none" : no message in DCS
    --    "coalition" : message for coalition for LotAtc users in same coalition
    --    "all" : message for all for all LotAtc users
    chat_connect_message = "none",

    -- Dedicated use
    -- DCS Dedicated mode enable
    -- Profile will be set from the dedicated_profile below
    -- (default=false)
    dedicated_mode = false,

    -- For dedicated mode only, use this profile
    -- (default="realistic.lua")
    dedicated_profile = "realistic.lua",

    -- Server authentification
    -- Block connections that are already connected as DCS pilots
    -- (default="none")
    -- Values are:
    --    "none" : No block
    --    "all" : Everybody connected on DCS
    --    "pilots" : Only blocks DCS pilots (spectator not blocked)
    block_dcs_ip = "none",

    -- User/password list
    -- If a file is set, only user/password in this file could connect
    -- this file define also whitelist/blacklist
    -- For file path, path are relative to mods/LotAtc directoy
    -- but you can set absolute path also
    -- Format is JSON
    -- (default="")
    allowed_users_file = "",

    -- Server commands like pause/unpause from advanced client
    -- To enable admin commands you must:
    --  1/ use_admin_commands = true
    --  2/ add users in a json file specified by allowed_users_file
    --  3/ use advanced client license
    -- (default=false)
    use_admin_commands = false,

    -- Plugins
    -- Dump stats in Json for external software
    -- (default=false)
    dump_json_stats = false,

    -- stats file path, path are relative to mods/LotAtc directoy
    -- but you can set absolute path also
    -- (default="stats.json")
    dump_json_filename = "stats.json",

    -- Enable CSV file export of the computed tactical situation
    -- For monomodelisation, each radar will generate its own view + datalink
    -- (default=false)
    export_log = false,

    -- Enable TacView file export of the computed tactical situation
    -- For monomodelisation, each radar will generate its own view + datalink
    -- (default=false)
    export_tacview = false,

    -- SRS
    -- Enable SRS Text To Speech function
    -- (default=true)
    srs_use_tts = true,

    -- DCS:SRS path, used for SRS Text To Speech
    -- (default="C:/Program Files/DCS-SimpleRadio-Standalone")
    srs_path = "C:/Program Files/DCS-SimpleRadio-Standalone",

    -- SRS server
    -- By default use local SRS server on same computer than DCS host
    -- (default="")
    srs_server = "",

    -- DCS:SRS server port
    -- (default=5002)
    srs_server_port = 5002,

    -- Enable SRS transponder function
    -- (default=true)
    srs_use_transponder = true,

    -- SRS transponder port
    -- (default=10712)
    srs_transponder_port = 10712,

    -- LotAtc Link
    -- Enable Json server used for LotAtc Link
    -- Only used to allow mission script interaction with LotAtc API
    -- (default=false)
    use_jsonserver = false,

    -- Enable LotAtc Link automatically when DCS starts
    -- (default=true)
    lotatc_link_install = true,

    -- Enable LotAtc Link automatically when DCS starts when using SlMod
    -- Enter the Slmod version (the name in saved games/<your dcs>/Scripts/net/<THIS NAME>/) for example 'Slmodv7_6'
    -- (default="")
    lotatc_link_slmod_install = "",

    -- Port for Json communication
    -- (default=8081)
    jsonserver_port = 8081,

    -- Automatically import coalition and commun DCS draw as drawing in LotAtc
    -- (default="visible")
    -- Values are:
    --    "none" : Do not import DCS Drawings
    --    "visible" : Import DCS Drawings, visible by default
    --    "hidden" : Import DCS Drawings, hidden by default
    import_drawing = "visible",

    -- Automatically import DCS Ips points as drawing in LotAtc
    -- (default="visible")
    -- Values are:
    --    "none" : Do not import DCS Ips
    --    "visible" : Import DCS Ips, visible by default
    --    "hidden" : Import DCS Ips, hidden by default
    import_ips = "visible",

    -- Automatically import DCS Marks in LotAtc
    -- (default="visible")
    -- Values are:
    --    "none" : Do not import DCS Marks
    --    "visible" : Import DCS Marks
    import_marks = "visible",

    -- Allow IA commands from LotAtc
    -- It will load Mist automatically in the mission for commands execution
    -- (default=false)
    use_ia_commands = false,

    -- Optimisation flags [BE CAREFUL WITH THEM]
    -- Number of seconds between data extraction
    -- Lower can reduce performances
    -- (default=2)
    update_time = 2,

    -- Search for new unit every n seconds
    -- (default=10)
    update_search_for_new = 10,

    -- Maximum number of units updated in each block of data
    -- (default=50)
    max_loop_unit = 50,

    -- Minimum frame update time in seconds
    -- (default=0.3)
    minimum_frame_update = 0.3,

    -- Debug/test ONLY (SHOULD BE FALSE)
    -- Enable verbose output in dcs.log, useful to report problems
    -- (default=false)
    enable_debug = false,

    -- Enable performances output, useful to report problems
    -- (default=false)
    perfs_tests = false,

