Available languages

LotAtc is currently translated in:

Languages Author Direct link
English en Download
French fr Download
Deutsch de Download
Italian it Download
Polish pl Download
Czech cs Download
Portuguese pt Download
Serbian sr Download
Spanish es Download
Chinese zh Download
Russian ru Download
Swedish se Download
Brazilian Portuguese br Download
Dutch nl Download

Languages translation are made and maintain kindly by these people, thanks to them. If you find errors, please contact me by mail .

How to help for translations


If you want to contribute, you can have get the files on the GitHub project.

  • If language is not already created (not in array above) -> Ask me to create one
  • Download Qt Linguist here: Linguist.zip (windows version)
  • Open the lotatc_xx.ts file available in the table upper with Qt Linguist
  • Make the translation, see here for help
  • Send the updated lotatc_xx.ts file to me or make a pull request on the Gitlab


Server side using po files. All sentences to translate are in this file. To translate them, follow instructions here.

How to test my translations?


  • Once translated, in Linguist, use Release command in File menu, it will create a lotatc_xx.qm file
  • Put the *.qm file into {LotAtc install path}Client/x.x/i18n/ directory (you can make a backup of the old file if you want)
    • LotAtc path by default: C:\Program Files\LotAtc\
  • Launch LotAtc, you can check your translation :)


Place the *.mo file generated with poeditor in your {User}\Saved Games\Mods\services\LotAtc\l10n\fr\LC_MESSAGES\ (change fr by your language)

More here.


A question about the tool, the procedure or the words to translate? Use contact me by mail
