Here a status of my current work on the different LotAtc products:
New docking system
It is already implemented and works correctly, it will bring new features to LotAtc (Client/Advanced/Editor). It will be part of the next 2.2.3 release in some weeks (no ETA yet)
- Docks can be on right/left/top/bottom on the window, but also as a new window (no limit on the number) or on a tab.
- Docks can be resized/reduced/hidden
- Any dock area can be set separatly as horizontal or vertical layout, docks will adapt their layout for horizontal or vertical (WIP)
- You can create new tactical/airport window with their own docks and transfer any dock at any place (window/tab/area) you want
- Each tactical window have its own parameters (map type, tilt/fov/rotation, filters…)
- All is saved/restored
- LotAtc Advanced users can save/load dock layout presets on theme settings to fast load/save current configuration, preset are also working with LotAtc Editor
Following screenshots are WIP

Update on some docks
I do some changes on dock also:
- Mission and weather are now separated
- Adaptative layout for docks
- LotAtc Editor will have new docks, see below
Flight plan
Advanced users can see DCS route and waypoints with 2.2.2 and it is something I am currently continuing to develop. The goal is to have a better flight plan management between controllers. The first step is to display them, then I can spend more time to allow users to share flight and organize the different aircrafts between each controllers.
Tasks accomplished:
- Advanced users will have a waypoints list in properties with altitude/ground speed/ETA (values are not updated, they come from mission editor values currently)
LotAtc Editor/Generator
Since some months, I put big efforts on a new simulation engine that will brings a new level for LotAtc Generator and LotAtc Editor especially for Professional LotAtc versions with perfect trajectory/timing estimation, very fast travel in the mission, go forward/backward. It will allow to create scenario faster than before.
It will also allow weapons simulation, datalink support and more…
This new engine will also be available for public version (with same licenses than currently) but with less features (no weapons simulation for example, see here for more explanations).
Current scenario and database will stay compatible with this new engine.
You can contact me: