I decided to make dev-news (start on Discord some months ago) more visible for all users by posting them here.

I try to write some update every one or two weeks in order to give you what is coming, what the next development on LotAtc project.

Weather API

LotAtc Server retrieves regular weather updates for all airports from DCS. It gets:

  • Pressure (QNH/QFE)
  • Temperature
  • Winds
  • Clouds / Visibility

I used an internal DCS weather API that have a problem, it is not working correctly in dedicated mode. When DCS is a server, values returned are default values.

I found an alternative way this week by using LotAtc mission scripting, it is not the better way but it works correctly and has very low impact, airport weather is updated every 10 minutes, airport by airport to avoid too much scripting use.

With that method, I can get:

  • Pressure (QNH/QFE)
  • Temperature
  • Winds

Not clouds yet.

It works in all condition.

If you have enable LotAtc Link, it will be automatic. see following chapter on mission scripting.

LotAtc Link is easier to use, I remove the need to call lotatcLink.init() from the mission, it is done automatically starting with 2.2.2-beta2.

So you only need to enable LotAtc Link, then weather updates will be done automatically.

You need to edit mission script if you want to allow AI manipulation, see LotAtc Link.

2.2.2 Beta

2.2.2 Beta is in public test, it is fully compatible with current 2.2.1 (server and/or client). If you want to test it, check how to on LotAtc Discord (link below) in #beta-news channel.

If you have used it, please send me your feedback!

I have done already some fixes and enhancement from this version.

Once back from holidays, I will certainly release a RC1, then a stable one or two weeks after (before end of August if no critical bugs).


It is the summer and I will be in “holidays” starting tonight until 08/02. Time to take some rest and charge battery!

Of course, I will continue to generate licenses and respond to support (mail/Discord) but perhaps more latency than usual!


You can contact me:
