This page describes the features of the current version of LotAtc, and a roadmap of what is coming next. Note that the roadmap could change…
Current version: 2.5
Features of current version
- Integration “into” DCS World, as a free module
- Low hardware ressources needs = low/none FPS impact for the DCS host
- Manages several Detection Profiles
- Manages authentication of controllers (LotAtc clients)
- Filters implemented (used or not depending on Detection Profiles configuration):
- Speed (removes aircraft units under minimal speed)
- Radar (removes all units not in the coalition radar coverage). The radar coverage is the sum of individual radars areas (aka detection range).
- Relief. This allow LotAtc to manage terrain masking.
- The Radar filter is spherical (range in 3D) and follows DCS specifications.
- Reduced latency networking between server/client
- Built-in support of mission (re)loading without the need to restart DCS server
- Datalink simulation
- ESM simulation
- Installation as a stand alone application (no need for DCS). Client needs a licence, buy it here
- Client may be tested before purchase with the demo mode (10’ of play).
- Application is localization-ready see Languages.
- Manages all DCS Terrains
- Afghanistan (last update: 27 Jun 2024)
- Caucasus (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Falklands (last update: 08 Jul 2022)
- France (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Kola (last update: 13 May 2024)
- Marianaislands (last update: 15 Jun 2021)
- Nevada (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Normandy (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Persiangulf (last update: 03 Apr 2020)
- Sinaimap (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Syria (last update: 23 Feb 2022)
- Thechannel (last update: 10 Aug 2020)
- World (last update: 17 Jun 2021)
- Includes airports runways
- Manage coalitions (IFF): self is white, enemy is red (you can choose colors)
- Ability to change colors of coalitions
- Automatic assignation of a unique track number (“TN#”) for enemy aircraft, allowing controllers to identify them when communicating
- Ability to change the default name (or TN#) of aircraft; changes are automatically shared among controllers of your coalition
- Controllers can set the symbol used for displaying aircraft (to precise their classification, e.g. friendly liner/ transport, friendly fighter, unknown, hostile… etc.). Symbols are shared among clients (controllers) of the same coalition. This feature is available depending on the Detection Profile (i.e. not in ARCADE).
- Two different sets of symbols available.
- Displays customisable Labels for aircraft
- Able to display sea & ground units that meet the detection criteria (criteria depending on the detection profile).
- Able to display detection/threat ranges (circles) (+option: mask them) for sea & ground units, and AWACS
- Clients are able to display DCS mission data: time, weather (if static), Bullseye…
- Clients are able to display the Detection Profiles enforced by the server.
- Chat implemented: this feature allows controllers to text-chat between themselves, for a better coordination in complex scenarii
- Controllers are able to manage their own Altitude & Speed filters (those will act in addition to the server-enforced filters).
- Client can create persistent & hookable BRAAs; this means those BRAAs (Bearing Range Altitude Aspect measurement) will stay displayed until manually removed, and will “follow” the objets onto which they’re hooked.
- Drawings: Controllers are able to create, modify and share drawings (lines, shapes, points, texts…) onto their displays; this allows them to share information with better accuracy (e.g. a point of interest), or to manage combat zones with different RoE…
- Client are able to display the last known positions of an aircraft, as a “trail”; this help controllers to visualize aircraft trajectories.
- Airport mode with ILS approachs, allowing controllers to fulfill the APP/DEP, TWR roles.
- Airport view with taxiways
- Transponders mode1,2,3,4,S support