
Database is a set of JSON file with same syntax that scenario that define default values for an object.

We can define default values for a M-2000Cplane in database by write a file named M-2000C.json (M-2000C is the type of the object)

    "type": "M-2000C",
    "ground_speed": 300,
    "heading_deg": 30

Any scenario object with type M-2000Cwill have the ground_speed and heading set with default values. No need to set a ground speed in my scenario file, it will be set automatically at 300. if I want a different value for my scenrio, I can define it of course, it will override database value.

Database vs Scenario

When LotAtc Generator load a scenario file, for each object inside (plane, helicopter, ship, vehicle), LotAtc will check in the defined database if the object is known. If it is found, database object will be loaded before load scenario values.

sequenceDiagram participant S as Scenario participant G as LotAtc Generator participant D as Database S ->> G: Read file loop Every Object G ->> D: Check if have object D ->> G: return defaults (or nothing ) S ->> G: override database values end

For example :

Object of type M-2000C if present in scenario :

    "type": "M-2000C",
    "ground_speed": 500,
    "altitude": 3000

LotAtc Generator check in database for M-2000C type and found :

    "type": "M-2000C",
    "ground_speed": 300,
    "heading_deg": 30

LotAtc Generator will create a M-2000C by merging database and scenario with:

    "type": "M-2000C",
    "ground_speed": 500, // From scenario because override database
    "altitude": 3000, // From Scenario
    "heading_deg": 30,// From Database



File is in strict standard JSON format.

Check API for complete details.


Get some database and scenario examples here
