What is it ?
You can draw on map on LotAtc. It can be used to delimite zones, indicate POI, or anything else….
Available draws:
- Text
- Line
- Polygon
- Circle
With LotAtc Advanced
- Corridor
- Orbit
How ?
On maps view, you can activate draw part in draw tab, then switch on “Edit mode”.
You can make draw private (only for yours eyes) or shared (shared with all friend coalition controllers).
To draw use left click to begin the draw.
- Circle, first point is the center, a second click stop the draw
- Polygon/ lines each left click define a point, use right click to stop
- Text, use edit to set text
Shared draws are saved into server, if you disconnect/reconnect you will get them. Private are not saved.
A private draw can shared later using edit
Use contextual menu by right-click on the map to set a text draw under the cursor (no need to be in edit mode)
Edit draw
Left click on a draw or select it from the draw list in the draw tab to edit it. Properties depends of the draw type.
Drawing can be edited directly from the map, in edit mode, just click on edit.
Load / Save
Use load / save button to load/save all draws from disk. Then will be saved in JSON format, you are free to edit them.
Add draws automatically at start
If you want to automatically load draws at start, you can use the Saved Games/DCS/Mods/services/LotAtc/userdb/drawings/(blue or red)/*.json files to do so (on the server).
Use enable item to activate or not the file. You can use directly files by saving in Draw tab! Just move them in the correct folder.
Files in blue directory will only affect blue coalition controllers. Red for… red…
To only use the file for specific mission, you can add a mission
field containing a regular expression:
"author": "me",
"mission": "lotatc.*",
"drawings": [
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"font": {
"color": "#ffb5824d",
"font": "Lato"
"id": "{0c7ce5ea-1b6c-4e2f-997f-3bbd603ce5af}",
"latitude": 43.462436190556275,
"lineWidth": 1,
"longitude": 42.863763861314595,
"name": "circle #2995",
"radius": 56044.85317359681,
"shared": false,
"text": "",
"timestamp": "",
"type": "circle"
"enable": "true",
"id": "{bb5a86a9-6e84-46cf-b70e-b885a7f089e6}",
"name": "Default layer",
"shared": false,
"timestamp": "",
"type": "layer",
"version": "hotfixes/220"
In this example, only mission containing lotatc
followed by any other character will use this file:
will matchmy_mission
will not match
The .*
means any character (the .
) repeated 0 to infinite (the *
). You can also just put fixed string like lotatc
it will works.
Regex can be validated with this tool
Draw API
Here is a complete file with all drawing and their properties:
"author": "me",
"drawings": [
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"font": {
"color": "#ffb5824d",
"font": "Lato"
"id": "{0c7ce5ea-1b6c-4e2f-997f-3bbd603ce5af}",
"latitude": 43.462436190556275,
"lineWidth": 1,
"longitude": 42.863763861314595,
"name": "circle #2995",
"radius": 56044.85317359681,
"shared": false,
"text": "",
"timestamp": "",
"type": "circle"
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"font": {
"color": "#ff010260",
"font": "Lato"
"id": "{39da8771-fa48-4ddd-8ee1-a2955cbd2eb0}",
"latitude": 42.75663984466322,
"lineWidth": 10,
"longitude": 42.18261151756428,
"name": "point #1742",
"shared": false,
"text": "None",
"timestamp": "",
"type": "point"
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"id": "{9adb8609-384d-4be4-af57-11934b98aa48}",
"lineWidth": 1,
"name": "line #1153",
"points": [
"latitude": 42.36823170702854,
"longitude": 42.50670819716012
"latitude": 42.593075043528046,
"longitude": 43.03405194719633
"latitude": 42.46353426814357,
"longitude": 43.717950872937365
"latitude": 42.732435188128456,
"longitude": 43.98711591204864
"shared": false,
"timestamp": "",
"type": "line"
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"id": "{7ff58c6e-943a-4ee8-83f6-13139dadc41b}",
"lineWidth": 1,
"name": "polygon #2381",
"points": [
"latitude": 42.24635844180599,
"longitude": 40.66649823634964
"latitude": 41.791329259042726,
"longitude": 41.06475263081174
"latitude": 42.18736846129762,
"longitude": 41.79534345106512
"latitude": 42.441242395363616,
"longitude": 41.17461591200416
"latitude": 42.2260232938033,
"longitude": 41.16088300182719
"shared": false,
"timestamp": "",
"type": "polygon"
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"font": {
"color": "#ff35c6d7",
"font": "Lato"
"id": "{e286d343-eb3e-44d9-be1b-0b82da78bd24}",
"lineWidth": 1,
"name": "corridor #3266",
"points": [
"latitude": 44.20932705193068,
"longitude": 42.05352216199017
"latitude": 44.36268874048932,
"longitude": 43.682245306611264
"latitude": 43.99434327453737,
"longitude": 44.62157636128657
"radius": 9260,
"shared": false,
"text": "Corridor",
"timestamp": "",
"type": "corridor"
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"font": {
"color": "#ff065f17",
"font": "Lato"
"headingDeg": 103.31841494606454,
"id": "{1fbcaa1c-820d-4f4d-be07-12043559fe38}",
"latitude": 43.32272739948711,
"length": 22851.141026267258,
"lineWidth": 4,
"longitude": 44.26177411514135,
"name": "orbit #1842",
"shared": false,
"text": "Orbit",
"timestamp": "",
"type": "orbit",
"width": 9572.000000004353
"author": "",
"brushStyle": 1,
"classification": {
"classification": "friend",
"dimension": "air",
"sub_dimension": ""
"color": "#ffff0000",
"colorBg": "#33ff0000",
"font": {
"color": "#ffd5b97b",
"font": "Lato"
"id": "{337dd9cb-c62b-4ea9-abef-fff8c71328ab}",
"latitude": 43.69324441257426,
"lineWidth": 10,
"longitude": 43.92669110735929,
"name": "symbol #2437",
"shared": false,
"text": "None",
"timestamp": "",
"type": "symbol"
"enable": "true",
"id": "{bb5a86a9-6e84-46cf-b70e-b885a7f089e6}",
"name": "Default layer",
"shared": false,
"timestamp": "",
"type": "layer",
"version": "hotfixes/220"