I publish today the 2.3.5 release. It contains lot of bugfixes (fix some leaks), some fixes in labels corner management and instructor module.

2.3.5 is compatible with all 2.3.x versions for both server/client


Click to see the changelog for LotAtc 2.3.5...

Bug Fixes

advanced: Bad preset for turn rate in Instructor
advanced: Fix leak with RWR objects
client+editor: Toggle buttons (as draw layer visibility) does not display active/disable state correctly
client: Corner label does not work with eni
client: Send BRAA button not toggle visual state
configurator: Fix troubles with profile management (clone, delete, rename…)
generator+server: Fix potential crash with export plugins
generator: Not turning correctly when entering direct heading
network: Fix leaks in new protocol
server+generator: Radar basic sphere model does not detect ground units
server: DCS AWACS not correctly set as AWACS
server: Do not block IPs for jtac/observer/game master
server: Fix private chat not working (DM for LotAtc Client+automatic BRAA)
server: Fix troubles with radar+datalink + fix for radar resolution
server: Weather updates not correctly done through LotAtcLink


client: avoid some refresh with label when no text changed
installer: Better installer


client: Can set label corner for neutral/unknown
client: Add datalink block for label/selection’s properties (^%(datalink))

Read full changelog


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