I have updated network protocol communication on this version, it is not compatible with 1.2.x.

I need some feedbacks on that version to avoid regression, it could be unstable.

I also update some mechanism in map display/load on client, if you have any troubles, let’s me know!

If this version works correctly, it will be stable in next days.

Thanks for your help!


Click to see the changelog for LotAtc 1.3.0-beta1...


Add opacity slider for filtered objects
Optimisation in map loading
Fix some crash with maps loading
Fix winds display in weather


Fixes enemy type not correctly reset in realistic mode
Update internal librairies


Add compression on network exchange
Fix latence on network transmission


It is a beta version, consider it as UNSTABLE If you want something stable, use the stable version

Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.3.0-beta1 (EXE)

Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.3.0-beta1 (OvGME/JSGME)

  • You will need to install the following files for OvGME/JSGME Mod version (no need with the exe) and unzip it in your {Users}\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\ directory. (ex: C:\Users\DArt\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\relief.db)

  • FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN README inside the package


It is a beta version, consider it as UNSTABLE If you want something stable, use the stable version

Client LotAtc4DCS - 64 bits - 1.3.0-beta1 (EXE)


You can contact me:

We are taking a break until the end of July, but our license generation and support services will continue uninterrupted. Please note that any delays we experience during this time may be extended. Thank you for your understanding.
