This version works on any DCS version

Here is the final version of the 1.1.0, the beta2 is working all this summer with pretty good success (except some instability on heavy mission…) and this version include essentially fixes on regression and lot of optimisation (especially on relief computation), it gains 30% of speed compare to the beta2 on server side. Thanks for all the community available on LotAtc Discord, for the feedbacks !

All downloads are now faster by using a CDN for both installers and internal downloads, relief db and maps are now downloaded only if they have changed, just select the maps you wants, LotAtc will only download what is missing or change. If you experienced troubles at download, please let’s me know

Performance output is now available to fine tuning the server using perfs_tests, see the documentation

As announced, LotAtc price is now at 25 Euros.


Lot of exciting fun is under development for future version:

  • Carrier management
  • Airport view
  • Datalink


(this is the 1.1.0-1 including the hotfix)

Click to see the changelog for LotAtc 1.1.0...
  • Updated UI
    • New themes + colors
    • Can resize all the UI
    • Rework of lot of dialogs (options, connect)
    • Better HiDpi support
  • Registered client can now load/save/edit draws without need to be connected
  • Updated map display engine, more multithread, faster than before
  • Add interception angle/time on BRAA display
  • PAR:
    • Add colors for items
    • Add airport datas
  • Symbol management
    • symbols are coalition dependant
    • add pending symbol (default for realistic+ profile)
  • Draw:
    • Can set name to draw
    • Fast drawing selection with a combobox
    • Add a text draw directly from its coordinates
  • Notification on new stable version of LotAtc + download it directly in news/help browser!
  • New block label (right click in options/Labels to insert item!)
    • Ground speed Mach
  • Add ground filter in Map dock (hide all ground units)
  • Add settings for label colors
  • Add settings for measure line background color
  • Add options to set “on top”
  • Updated charts from Snoopy
  • Fix chat messages color in dark mode
  • Interception time in minute if > 60s
  • Fix map switching does not work
  • Add multiple runways ( except on Caucasus, not supported )
  • Fix airport coalition change
  • Add lock map button
  • Fix missing map tile on left/side on some configurations
  • Fix for transponder file for humans player
  • Server side license management
  • Fix missing dll in install on some system
  • Better DCS airports support
  • Add first version of json status for 3rd party
  • Fix for relief management (faster by 30%)
  • Fix for DCS freeze using LotAtc server sometimes
  • Fixes and optimisation
  • Better perfs monitoring, using config.lua you can now export csv files with lot of statistics of server use
  • Only install caucasus map datas by default, others maps can be downloaded during install
  • Reduced by 30% additionals download items
  • Fix for Saved Games and User folder that has been moved by user
  • Various fixes
Click to see the changelog for LotAtc 1.1.0-1...
  • Fix crash on map switching in some cases
  • Fix crash on map switching in some cases


Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.1.0-1 (EXE)

Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.1.0-1 (OvGME/JSGME)

  • You will need to install the following files for OvGME/JSGME Mod version (no need with the exe) and unzip it in your {Users}\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\ directory. (ex: C:\Users\DArt\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\relief.db)

  • FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN README inside the package


Client LotAtc4DCS - 64 bits - 1.1.0-1 (EXE)


You can contact me:

We are taking a break until the end of July, but our license generation and support services will continue uninterrupted. Please note that any delays we experience during this time may be extended. Thank you for your understanding.
