This version works on any DCS version
Patch is integrated, no need to apply it on this version
This is the second beta version, it can have bugs/regressions, if you find one let’s me know!
LotAtc will increase its price at final release of 1.1.0
Development and maintenance costs have risen for the past monthes (parlty due to the growing number of DCS modules/terrains to support) and I have to increase the price of LotAtc to 25 Euros. The current price was fixed 5 years ago in May 2013 at the initial release of the 0.8.0 (such a long time :) ). New price will apply from the “final” release of the version 1.1.0. Group licences discounts will follow the new base price:
- 5-9 licenses for 20 Euros
- 10-19 licenses for 15 Euros
- 20+ licenses for 10 Euros
Of course, you can benefit from the current price of 20 Euros up to the final release (no ETA yet). All users that already have a license will not be impacted by this price change, their licenses will remain valid with version 1.1.0
Click to see the changelog for LotAtc 1.1.0-beta2...
- Updated UI
- New themes + colors
- Can resize all the UI
- Rework of lot of dialogs (options, connect)
- Better HiDpi support
- Registered client can now load/save/edit draws without need to be connected
- Updated map display engine, more multithread, faster than before
- Add interception angle/time on BRAA display
- PAR:
- Add colors for items
- Add airport datas
- Symbol management
- symbols are coalition dependant
- add pending symbol (default for realistic+ profile)
- Draw:
- Can set name to draw
- Fast drawing selection with a combobox
- Add a text draw directly from its coordinates
- Notification on new stable version of LotAtc + download it directly in news/help browser!
- New block label (right click in options/Labels to insert item!)
- Ground speed Mach
- Add ground filter in Map dock (hide all ground units)
- Add settings for label colors
- Add settings for measure line background color
- Add options to set “on top”
- Updated charts from Snoopy
- (beta2) Fix chat messages color in dark mode
- (beta2) Interception time in minute if > 60s
- (beta2) Fix map switching does not work
- (beta2) Add multiple runways ( except on Caucasus, not supported )
- (beta2) Fix airport coalition change
- Fix for transponder file for humans player
- Server side license management
- (beta2) Fix missing dll in install on some system
- (beta2) Better DCS airports support
Known problems
- With UI scale different of 1.0 there is glitches with color and font dialogs and vertical indicator/symbols
Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.1.0-beta2 (EXE)
Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.1.0-beta2 (OvGME/JSGME)
You will need to install the following files for OvGME/JSGME Mod version (no need with the exe) and unzip it in your {Users}\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\ directory. (ex: C:\Users\DArt\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\relief.db)
- Afghanistan (last update: 27 Jun 2024)
- Caucasus (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Falklands (last update: 08 Jul 2022)
- France (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Kola (last update: 13 May 2024)
- Marianaislands (last update: 15 Jun 2021)
- Nevada (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Normandy (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Persiangulf (last update: 03 Apr 2020)
- Sinaimap (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Syria (last update: 23 Feb 2022)
- Thechannel (last update: 10 Aug 2020)
- World (last update: 17 Jun 2021)