ONLY for DCS >=1.5.8 and>=2.2.0 (it will not work on 1.5.7, and installer will overwrite the 1.0.2 (but you can reinstall 1.0.2 over 1.0.3-rc2 )
It is out!
After 3 release candidate, here is the final version of 1.0.3. It will be the last version that support 1.5.X. It add a lot of new things like UniversRadio transponder support! (in advanced realistic profile, friend is directly tagged as friend coalition with it!) or UniversRadio ATIS Voice Server support (use create ATIS button in airport properties while connected with UniversRadio to create an automatic ATIS).
It also fix all relief maps (displayed and used for radar coverage), it is an important step!
Thanks for all the community that help me to make this release better and stable!

Click to see the changelog for LotAtc 1.0.3...
- Add color settings fro measure and BRAA lines in map properties
- Dynamic weather support (partially, temperature and pressure only), METAR is displayed on airport properties
- UniversRadio transponder support! (in advanced realistic profile, friend is directly tagged as friend coalition with it!)
- UniversRadio ATIS Voice Server support (use create ATIS button in airport properties while connected with UniversRadio to create an automatic ATIS)
- QFE/QNH fix
- UR stability fixes
- Updated French coalition
- Various fixes
- Updated libraries (no more 32bits support for client)
- Add basic Normandy maps
- NTTR airports fixed
- All maps and layers regenerated
- All relief db files regenerated
- Fix offset with DCS altitude
- Fix bugs in Nevada relief
- All server is now installed in Saved Games, NO MORE FILES IN DCS/bin
- Fix for Last december DCS Update
- Installer will install all maps now
- Various fixes
Special instructions for server:
All *.db files has been regenerated, if you use OvGME packages, update them!
If you have currently the 1.0.2 or older installed:
As LotAtc does not more need to install things in DCS directory, here the best ways to install server:
- uninstall previous LotAtc server
- deactivate others mods (we need to do a repair)
- in DCS\bin, delete
- Qt5Core.dll
- Qt5Sql.dll
- Qt5Network.dll (Qt5Gui.dll does not matter, you can keep it)
- libeay32.dll
- libssl32.dll
- ssleay32.dll
- plugins directory
- Launch a DCS repair to restore all files
- Install as usual LotAtc server, it should works :)
Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.0.3 (EXE)
Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.0.3 (OvGME/JSGME)
You will need to install the following files for OvGME/JSGME Mod version (no need with the exe) and unzip it in your {Users}\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\ directory. (ex: C:\Users\DArt\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\relief.db)
- Afghanistan (last update: 27 Jun 2024)
- Caucasus (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Falklands (last update: 08 Jul 2022)
- France (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Kola (last update: 13 May 2024)
- Marianaislands (last update: 15 Jun 2021)
- Nevada (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Normandy (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Persiangulf (last update: 03 Apr 2020)
- Sinaimap (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Syria (last update: 23 Feb 2022)
- Thechannel (last update: 10 Aug 2020)
- World (last update: 17 Jun 2021)
Client LotAtc4DCS - 64 bits - 1.0.3 (EXE)
Here some parts on next release!
- Interception angle
- Optimisation of map loading
- Aiport charts support
At mid-term:
- Airport view
- Datalink
You can contact me: