ONLY for DCS >=1.5.8 and>=2.2.0 (it will not work on 1.5.7, and installer will overwrite the 1.0.2 (but you can reinstall 1.0.2 over 1.0.3-rc1 )
- (new in rc2) IFF coalition fixed for IA
- (new in rc2) Updated French coalition
- (new in rc2) Add color settings fro measure and BRAA lines in map properties
- Dynamic weather support (partially, temperature and pressure only), METAR is displayed on airport properties
- UniversRadio transponder support! (in advanced realistic profile, friend is directly tagged as friend coalition with it!)
- UniversRadio ATIS Voice Server support (use create ATIS button in airport properties while connected with UniversRadio to create an automatic ATIS)
- QFE/QNH fix
- Various fixes
- Updated libraries (no more 32bits support for client)
- (new in rc2) Add basic Normandy maps
- (new in rc2) Implement Normandy airports (in progress)
- NTTR airports fixed
- (new in rc2) All server is now installed in Saved Games, NO MORE FILES IN DCS/bin
- (new in rc2) Fix for Last december DCS Update
- (new in rc2) Installer will install all maps now
- Various fixes
Special instructions for server:
As LotAtc does not more need to install things in DCS directory, here the best ways to install server:
- uninstall previous LotAtc server
- deactivate others mods (we need to do a repair)
- in DCS\bin, delete
- Qt5Core.dll
- Qt5Sql.dll
- Qt5Network.dll (Qt5Gui.dll does not matter, you can keep it)
- libeay32.dll
- libssl32.dll
- ssleay32.dll
- plugins directory
- Launch a DCS repair to restore all files
- Install as usual LotAtc server, it should works :)
Note that this version was planned to be released later but it fix the last DCS update so transponder/METAR/ATIS must be considered as not fully operational (but use it and give me your feedback!)
Note also, that I have changed my computer last week (LotAtc is compiling so fast now ) so if you have problems at install, let’s me know, I have perhaps missed something in my installation !
Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.0.3-rc2 (EXE)
Server LotAtc4DCS - 1.0.3-rc2 (OvGME/JSGME)
You will need to install the following files for OvGME/JSGME Mod version (no need with the exe) and unzip it in your {Users}\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\ directory. (ex: C:\Users\DArt\LotAtc 4 DCS Data\relief.db)
- Afghanistan (last update: 27 Jun 2024)
- Caucasus (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Falklands (last update: 08 Jul 2022)
- France (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Kola (last update: 13 May 2024)
- Marianaislands (last update: 15 Jun 2021)
- Nevada (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Normandy (last update: 26 May 2018)
- Persiangulf (last update: 03 Apr 2020)
- Sinaimap (last update: 28 Jun 2023)
- Syria (last update: 23 Feb 2022)
- Thechannel (last update: 10 Aug 2020)
- World (last update: 17 Jun 2021)